Nov 6, 2016

Tractor Repair

There is nothing more important to our operations as a farm than the tractors. Tractors perform the critical functions of mowing and making hay needed in our horses diet, especially in winter, hauling away manure from cleaning the horse stalls, tilling fields, making our lives easier, and others in the area, by performing heavy duties. The fuel lines were clogged with thick algae after decades of use.
Our neighbors use horsepower for farming and getting here and there.

Sep 21, 2016

Garlic Harvest

we cut roots, and part of stalk, than use this air hose to power off all dirt plus one layer of paper skin, for a whiter, clean look,.  once cured, garlic will last well into winter, from the july harvest.
ours keeps all the way from one harvest to the next
the largest bulbs are replanted each october