Mar 25, 2013

Gene with Adonis

Adonis, named after the handsome hunter - The God of Beauty - our buck born 2/6/2013 from Khaos and Butler.  Here is Gene holding him the week of his birth and here he is in the wood shop 7 weeks later!  Gene uses all his skills to build comfortable facilities for these goats.  They are very fun to watch when they are little running down the barn parlor's long hall at full speed.  We look forward to putting them out again when the grass starts to rise after our long dormant winters.

The wither process requires banding - one way to do it - this is designed to stop circulation to the testicles causing them to become necrotic and fall off.  Gene does it without pain to the animal - but there is some discomfort with the tightness of the band around the area which connects to the underside of the goat.  Careful not to include the nipples and causing as little distortion as possible in the process.

Well this time, I did not think the goat felt right with some of its skin of the testicles pinching together.  This may be that the 7 weeks was one week too long.  we usually go up to 8 weeks and definitely after 5 weeks to ensure that everything has dropped fully.  However we cut this band off, since I was not happy with the look of it.  And now Adonis will live happily as a Buck!

As of now we are a no kill facility and are hoping to re-home some of these great animals as pets and lawn mowers for people interested in goat ownership!  We currently have 4 withers and 6 Bucks in addition to all the girls (11).